One of the most important areas around improving your personal finances is enhancing your money thoughts. Your thoughts around finances have gotten you to your current status and will require a new way of thinking and acting upon those new thoughts to improve things. A few things you could do is:
1. Start thinking about your goals and how your current actions will help or delay you attaining them. This could be as simple as starting to reduce spending in an area for a couple of months and using that money to reduce debt/increase savings.
2. Have a plan for your money and don’t buy things just because they are on sale.
3. Surround yourself with like-minded people (Iron sharpen Iron), educate family and friends on how your new financial knowledge is impacting your life.
4. Try not to use credit cards to acquire things.
5. Save first and spend second...Make saving a non-negotiable. 
6. What are some financial goals that you would like to achieve in the next 12 months, 3-years, 5-years, etc. Write them down and identify a plan for achieving them.
7. Increase your knowledge around how to manage your money to
achieve your goals (i.e. use a budget, eliminate debt, increase savings/investing, etc.)
8. Identify ways to reduce your debt and increase your savings. 
9. Review your plan on a regular basis (i.e. monthly or quarterly) and identify an accountability partner who will ensure you do what you say you will do.
10. Stay the course and don’t give in to your OLD way of thinking.

If you have questions or need help getting better at managing your money, reach out for a FREE discovery call to see how I can help.


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